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Feeds Concepts

What is Feed ?

Feed is a collection of Data Models and Ingredient Release. Each feed has a name and it belongs to a specific project. Project can have move than one feed. The feed provide the means to store both the ingredient and releases metadata along with their binaries. The feed qualified name consist of the project name along with the feed name. This allow ingredients with the same name to have different identities under different feeds within the same project or within different projects.

Where do we store metadata and artifacts ?

All VDC entities, including the ingredient and ingredient releases metadata is stored in the Azure Cloud along with the VDC backend services. We use Azure CosmosDB, a fully managed NoSQL database service that offers high scalability and availability. For more information, please visit theĀ official documentation The artifacts are sored in Azure Blob Storage. Azure Blob Storage is a scalable, fully managed object storage service for unstructured data. For more information, please visit theĀ official documentation." Each of our VDC environments (Dev-Test-Production) have their dedicated storage account. Whenever a new Feed is created, we create a dedicated Blob Container under the relevant storage account. Each new ingredient release will be placed under a new folder in the new relevant blob container.

How do we manage retention ?

Currently, we don't enforce any retention. As we move forward, we plan to work with users to better understand their needs in order to combine it with cost consideration to find the right way to manage retention.