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Ingredients Data Models

This page contains the data model for ingredients. For more in-depth understanding of the ingredient concepts please read Ingredient Concepts

Schema Type

Schema Type is a pre-defined list (enum) with the following values:

Name Value
Basic This is the basic schema for all ingredient release in VDC. It contains all the possible generic ingredient release properties that every release could have. All the properties in the Basic Schema will be derived for each of other schema.
StarCode Schema for all *code ingredients (e.g. acode, pcode)
StarCodeBundle Schema for all *code bundles (e.g. cores-fw, unified-patch)

Ingredient Family Type

Ingredient Family Type is a pre-defined list (enum) with the following values:

Name Value
Other Default value in case no other classification works.
Firmware firmware ingredients e.g. *code, Unified-Patch, IFWI, ...
Software Software packages, e.g. Python Packages, Debian Packages, ..
Simulation Simulation related packages, e.g. Simics Packages
Platform Emulation related packages, e.g. PPR

Ingredient Type

Property Name Type Description
SchemaType Schema Type Mandatory. The schema type for this ingredient.
IngredientFamily Ingredient Family Type Mandatory. The ingredient family associated with this Ingredient Type.
Name string Mandatory. Name of the ingredient type
Display Name string Optional. User friendly representation of the Name

Validation Discipline Type

Validation Discipline Type is a pre-defined list (enum) with the following values:

Name Value
Other Default value in case no other classification works.
Firmware firmware ingredients e.g. *code, Unified-Patch, IFWI, ...
Software Software packages, e.g. Python Packages, Debian Packages, ..
Simulation Simulation related packages, e.g. Simics Packages
Platform Emulation related packages, e.g. PPR


Property Name Type Description
SchemaType Schema Type Mandatory. The schema type for this ingredient.
IngredientType Ingredient Type Mandatory
IngredientFamily Ingredient Family Type Mandatory.
Name string Mandatory. Short Name of the ingredient. The name must be unique within the feed but may not be unique across different projects or even between different feeds within a project.
The full qualified name is
ProjectName string Mandatory. Must match one of the existing projects.
FeedName string Mandatory. Must match one of the existing feeds within the project
ReadableId string Calculated by the system. This is another form of unique id. Useful in scenarios when there is a need to address a specific entity with one ID that is easy to read (NOT like GUID).
Description string Optional. Short description about the ingredient.
Silicon string Optional when relevant. Short name of Silicon family, e.g. DMR, CWF
Sku string Optional when relevant. short name of Sku GNR-AP , GNR-SP
Step string Optional when relevant. Short name of the silicon step, e.g. A0, B0
ValidationDiscipline Validation Discipline Type Optional

Ingredient Release (Basic Schema)

Starcode Ingredient Release (Starcode Schema)

Startcode Bundle Ingredient Relase (Starcode Bundle Schema)