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Project Concepts

What is Project in VDC ?

Project is a VDC product abstraction used to group people, feeds and workflows towards a specific goal. Projects provide clear data boundaries, ensuring that entities within different projects are uniquely identified. As for today, project doesn't have specific administration features, but as we move forward with VDC, we plan for the Project to provide a cross feed and cross workflow administrations features. This will allow users to manage their project level settings in one place and reuse it across the entire project. Before creating a new Project think carefully about the project name and scope. You can read here about how to choose your project scope. Once a Project is created, its name can't be modified.

Choosing the Project Scope

It is up to the users to control the and scope of their projects. VDC project are flexible enough to support various user's scenario. VDC maintain for each of the its main entities (e.g. Project, Feed, Ingredient) a "Business Card". The business card is simply list of business related properties that provides the context for the entity, for example Silicon Family, Silicon SKU and Silicon Steps. These values are optional and may not be relevant. But when relevant, users can decorate their entities with the business information to reach the right granularity for managing their project.