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We gather list of commonly asked questions to help you get answer quickly. This list will grow eventually was more questions are asked :) We group the questions by subjects

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  • How do I create a new Project ?

    See How to create a new Project


    • Where are all the server *code & unified patch ingredients come from ?

    VDC is reading all its official *code and unified-patch ingredients from FIV Portal. VDC Parse the original release notes into the VDC object model to provide enhance functionality over the base functionality in FIV portal.

  • Whare are all the client *code and unified patch ingredients come from ?

    VDC is the POR tool for releasing the official debug and production unified patches. Each of the Client Unified Patch integrator use VDC to publish the new generated unified patch. Upon publish, VDC adds the new unified patch along with any newly added *code releases.

  • What should I do if I don't see a specific release ?

    We are transitioning to a fully automated web-hook approach from FIV-Portal to VDC. This means that every new release should appear in VDC within few seconds. Until we finalize this full automate mode, we working in semi-automated mode. This may result in temporary mismatch between FIV-Portal latest releases with the VDC releases. If this block your work please open a ticket or contact support. How to get Support